John Campbell: Here are the numbers, for preferred prime minister.
Jacinda Ardern, you’re on 54% and Judith Collins on 18%,what do you have to say about those numbers?
Jacinda Ardern: Tēnā koe
Judith Collins: Simon Bridges would have crawled over broken glass to get this far.
John Campbell: Ok, ahh we’ve flipped a coin to get start –
Judith Collins: HEADS!!!
John Campbell: Ahh Judith we’ve already flipped the coin.
Judith Collins : *fist pumps*
Jacinda Ardern: Hiore, that means “tails” in Te Reo John.
John Campbell: We’ve already…it doesn’t matter, let’s get started with some questions from our viewers.
Fili: My friends have dropped out of school so they can support their families, what are you going to do to stop students being left behind?
Judith Collins: My husband had to leave school at 15 too, I feel you.
Jacinda Ardern : Double duty infrastructure.
Tracey: I’m a Matamata farmer, and I’m concerned about mental health in the farming community, how are you going to support farmers?
Judith Collins: I’m the daughter of a Matamata farmer too, actually.
Jacinda Ardern : Double duty infrastructure.
Dan, a window washer from Auckland city: Times are really tough, everyone’s working from home, no one needs clean office windows. What are you going to do to help people like me?
Judith Collins: I used to be a window washer when I was a student, try car windows.
Jacinda Ardern : Be kind to window washers.
Tom, a snake charmer from Ashburton: Business is really hard, demand is really down at the moment. How are you able to help our industry?
Jacinda Ardern: Double duty infrastructure.
Judith Collins: I used to be a snake charmer once, I know the struggle, try a different tune.
John Campbell: Let’s go to an ad break… I sure wouldn’t mind a gin.
Judith Collins: I used to be a gin distiller when I wa-
*ad break*
John Campbell: Closing statements please.
Jacinda Ardern: Be kind, stay the course.
Judith Collins : *raises left eye brow*
Judith Collins: *raises right eye brow*
Judith Collins: *lowers left eye brow*
John Campbell : Judith?
Judith Collins : *lowers right eye brow*
Bell: Ding!